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Who is TrustMe?

TrustMe is a young Australian woman. She is currently in her final year of a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Music and Journalism & Mass Communication.


TrustMe's main passion in life is popular culture especially music. To date she has written three papers on British Punk music and its subculture from 1975-1980. She loves playing musical instruments but is out of practice and usually sticks to singing. Upon graduation from university she hopes to become a music journalist and eventually drift around the music industry before before becoming a music producer. This is what she wants, what actually happens is another matter!

Other interests include sport, film, musicals, travel and Snabbit.

AfterNET Haunts

You can find TrustMe in #afternet, #australia, #djs, #movies, #news, #regulars, #gasm, #uno and #juicy. TrustMe is the channel owner of #juicy. You can find the website for #juicy here

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TrustMe also idles on MSN much of the day. If she deems you worthy, she'll give you her email address and you can add her to MSN.