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Mental Health Central

Mental Health, Well-Being, Volunteer Support, Any-Topic Chat

The basic intention / goal of #mhcentral is to be able to have a place where people with interests in common may get together and simply Chat. Mental Illness is an area where we hope for chat-users to share and possibly even support each other - basic Human contact can often help.

Having a Mental Illness does not make you an outcast in #mhcentral. Rather the opposite. Also, Freedom of speech is something we try to respect to the highest degree.

If you happen to have any trouble in #mhcentral, please do feel free to voice your concerns to channel operators.


* synthetix
* Therados
* hud
* atreju

Other areas of interests included are Psychology, Mental Health, Well-Being, as well as Communications and Human Relations.

A Website linked to the #mhcentral Chat Room is also online, This website is also looking for volunteers, so if you would like to learn some new 'stuff', feel free to use the contact form here: Contact /
Also, a Multi-User Blog System exists for the website, so anyone may also Register and publish their own WebJournal / Blog at the site. Main Blog System is a Not-For-Profit website being developed by volunteer efforts. (A project.)

Always updating