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About This Chat Room:

The basic intention / goal of #mhcentral is to be able to have a place where people with interests in common may get together and simply Chat. This easily includes those interested in Psychology, Mental Health, Well-Being, as well as Communications and Human Relations.

A Website linked to the #mhcentral Chat Room is also online, [ ] This website is also looking for volunteers, so if you would like to learn some new 'stuff', feel free to use the contact form at Also, a Multi-User Blog System exists for the website, so anyone may also Register and publish their own WebJournal / Blog at the site. [ ]

The creator of the room is nickname synaptic. That's me. (Also on the Junkies page.)

I can be found in #mhcentral, #webtech, #css, #afternet, and #regulars.

Always updating