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AfterNET Servers

Server Addresses

To connect to AfterNET, we suggest you use our primary “round robin” address:

We are currently testing a feature where the address automatically directs you to a nearby server. For example, a user in the Western United States will automatically reach a Western US server when using, while a user in France will automatically reach one of our European servers. In the event all our European servers were offline, the French user would be automatically redirected to a server in the Eastern US.


Each of our servers listens on ports 6667, 7000, and 16667. We support SSL-encrypted connections on ports 6697 and 9998.

Contribute a Server

If you're interested in linking a server to AfterNET, please visit our link application. Feel free to stop by #AfterNET or #Help and discuss your plans with us. Our current client servers are located in the United States (California, Texas, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey), Japan, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. In particular, if you're going to purchase a dedicated server for IRC, we'd be happy to suggest providers we've used in the past. We are currently interested in linking more servers that can provide native IPv6 connectivity (not via a tunnel), but you do not need to have IPv6 connectivity to apply for a testlink.