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help:connecting:ssl [2017/05/26 01:02]
rubin [Why encryption]
help:connecting:ssl [2020/04/08 12:41] (current)
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 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-This is a guide to help you configure your IRC client software to connect to AfterNET using SSL encryption. Our primary focus is on [[help:installing:hexchat]], because that is what we use most, but it should help you get going with [[http://www.afternet.org/mirc|mirc]] and other software as well.+This is a guide to help you configure your IRC client software to connect to AfterNET using SSL encryption.
 ==== Why encryption ==== ==== Why encryption ====
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 Our servers have SSL enabled on ports 6697 and 9998. **We support only TLS1.2** which means some older clients will not be able to use SSL if they can only do SSLv3 or TLS1. See our [[:help:installing|Clients page]] to find a client that will work for you. Our servers have SSL enabled on ports 6697 and 9998. **We support only TLS1.2** which means some older clients will not be able to use SSL if they can only do SSLv3 or TLS1. See our [[:help:installing|Clients page]] to find a client that will work for you.
-Configure your software to connect to the server named **irc.afternet.org** on port **6697** or **9998** and select the 'use encryption' checkbox. +Configure your software to connect to the server named **irc.afternet.org** on port **6697** or **9998** and enable encryption. 
 +=== hexchat === 
 +In the "hexchat -> Network List.." menu under AfterNET, Set the port to 6697 and select the 'use encryption' checkbox. You should also be able to leave the 'Accept invalid SSL certificates' checkbox **unchecked** 
 +=== ZNC === 
 +In the ZNC bouncer, add a '+' (plus sign) in front of the port number when adding a server to enable SSl on that server. example: ''/msg *status addserver irc.afternet.org +6697'' 
 +=== mIRC === 
 +Make sure you have the latest version. Old versions have insecure ssl libraries which have been blocked. 
 +To [[http://www.mirc.com/ssl.html|enable SSL in mirc]] use the -e switch in the ''/server'' command, or put a '+' (plu sign) in front of the port number, ie +6697
 ==== Certificate Authority ==== ==== Certificate Authority ====
-Our server certificates are signed by comodo, which should be a trusted authority by default for most people.+Our server certificates are signed by [[https://letsencrypt.org]]