Table of Contents


#smithy is the coolest channel on afternet and you always wondered how you managed to survive without it.

(Note, this statement may be original research)

Join us!

<javachat2> To join, choose a nick and change the channel to #smithy.

Or however you like.


Main rules:

  1. be nice
  2. don't be a dick

And just because some things need spelling out to people:

The following things are NOT allowed

A few notes about bans

Notes for Ops

If anyone has a problem with an op, a kick, or a ban, please discuss it with someone outranking them in the userlist. /msg x3 #smithy users will give the full userlist, or .users in the channel. Note, this doesn't mean you'll be unbanned, if they don't agree. In all cases the channel owner has the final say.

Bot toys

Quote database

IP location

!geoip ip address or hostname


@weather city, country normally works, also post codes and zip codes in (e.g. UK, USA, Canada)


@google something to google it

@google fight something something else for a google fight

more random X69 shiz













fc26 smithy|PARAMS

Cool people not covered by the above

Liv smithy|PARAMS Jobe smithy|PARAMS Beta smithy|PARAMS PearseToC smithy|PARAMS Jeni smithy|PARAMS Chris smithy|PARAMS Jack / Ginger smithy|PARAMS R0b smithy|PARAMS Undutchable smithy|PARAMS Penguinsmithy|PARAMS kentboysmithy|PARAMS BigToe smithy|PARAMS Seras smithy|PARAMS Jayare smithy|PARAMS blaat smithy|PARAMS hud smithy|PARAMS

loads more


It will be obvious who this is, so I'm not going to name it. smithy|PARAMS


clk13 (annoying chav thing) smithy|PARAMS

Bot smithy|PARAMS

Gertrude smithy|PARAMS

choirboy smithy|PARAMS

X69 smithy|PARAMS

alicia smithy|PARAMS