; mIRC Idle RPG Join and Login on Connect Script ; ; Instructions: In mIRC, go to Tools, Scripts Editor. ; Click on the Remote tab. Paste this file into the ; large text box. Change USERNAME and PASSWORD below ; to your correct username and password. Click OK. ; alias idle.load { set %idle.name USERNAME set %idle.pass PASSWORD set %idle.inet AfterNET set %idle.chan #idlerpg set %idle.ibot idlerpg } on 1:CONNECT: { idle.load | if ($network == %idle.inet) { join %idle.chan | timeridle 1 10 idle.login } } on 1:JOIN:*: { idle.load | if ($network == %idle.inet) { if ($nick == %idle.ibot) { timeridle 1 10 idle.login } } } alias idle.login { if (%idle.ibot isop %idle.chan) { msg %idle.ibot login %idle.name %idle.pass } } ; ; The end!