#!/usr/bin/perl -w # idlerpg-adv (11-22-2003) by daxxar (http://mental.mine.nu) # Usage: ./idlerpg-adv.pl [playernames] # # Call this script from the command line, or your login profile. use strict; use LWP::Simple; # Use cookies: # %user - username, %class - class, %level - level, # %next - time to next level, %status - online status, # %uhost - nick!ident@host, %ca - created at, # %llo - last logged on, %ti - total idletime, # %items - list of items, %penalties - list of penalties (special; multiline) # # Each comma-separated element is printed with a newline at the end :) my @string = ( '[User] %user', '[Class] %class', '[Level] %level', '[Next level] %next', '[Status] %status', '[User@host] %uhost', '[Created at] %ca', '[Last logged on] %llo', '[Total idle] %ti', '[Items] %items', '[Penalties] %penalties' ); ### No need to change below ### # For printing things in a columnized view # print_col(\@list_of_entries, \@value_of_entries, $number_per_line) sub make_col { my $entryname = shift; my $entryvalue = shift; my $count = shift; my @len; my $ret; # Find maximum length for each of the $count columns for my $x (0 .. $#{$entryvalue}) { my $col = $x % $count; if (!defined($len[$col]) || $len[$col] < length($entryvalue->[$x] . $entryname->[$x])) { $len[$col] = length("$entryvalue->[$x]"."$entryname->[$x]"); } } for my $t (0 .. $#$entryvalue) { if (!($t % $count)) { $ret .= "\n "; } $ret .= "$entryname->[$t]\($entryvalue->[$t]\)"; $ret .= ' ' x ($len[$t % $count] - length($entryname->[$t] . $entryvalue->[$t]) + 1); } return $ret; } sub time_to { my @timeunits = ('yr', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hr', 'min', 'sec'); my @timecalc = (31104000, 2592000, 604800, 86400, 3600, 60, 1); my $seconds = shift; my $output; if ($seconds == 0) { return "0 seconds"; } for my $x (0 .. $#timecalc) { my $y = int($seconds / $timecalc[$x]); if ($y != 0 && $seconds != 0 && $seconds >= $timecalc[$x]) { $seconds = ($seconds % $timecalc[$x]); $output .= "$y $timeunits[$x]"; $output .= 's' unless $y == 1; if ($seconds == 0) { last; } $output .= ', ' if $x < $#timecalc - 1 && ($seconds % $timecalc[$x+1]) && $seconds != 0; $output .= ' and ' if !($seconds % $timecalc[$x+1]); } } return $output; } sub time_from { my $seconds = shift; my ($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mo, $yr, $wday) = localtime($seconds); $mo = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Oct', 'Sep', 'Nov', 'Dec')[$mo]; $wday = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')[$wday]; $yr += 1900; if ($hr < 10) { $hr = "0$hr"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } if ($day < 10) { $day .= ' '; } return "$wday $mo $day $hr:$min:$sec $yr"; } die "Usage: $0 \n" . "Example: $0 daxxar cyb\n" if @ARGV == 0; start: my $username = shift(@ARGV); my $page = get "http://www.afternet.org/idle/dump.php?player=$username"; # Only line is commented if there is no such user if ($page =~ /^#[^\n]+$/) { print "$username: no such user\n"; exit 1; } ($page) = ($page =~ /\n([^#].*)/); # Remove the comment # @ent = entries on page, \t separated. my @ent = split(/\t/, $page); # Assign each tab-separated entry to its hash-key my %values = ( 'user' => $ent[0], 'level' => $ent[1], 'class' => $ent[2], 'next' => $ent[3], 'host' => $ent[4], 'status' => $ent[5], 'totalidle'=> $ent[6], 'created'=> $ent[14], 'lastlog' => $ent[15], 'penaltynames' => [ qw(msg nick part kick quit quest logout) ], 'penaltytimes' => [ @ent[7 .. 13] ], 'itemnames' => [ qw(amulet charm helm boots gloves ring leggings shield tunic weapon sum) ], 'itemlvls' => [ @ent[16 .. 25] ] ); $values{'next'} = time_to ($values{'next'}); $values{'totalidle'} = time_to ($values{'totalidle'}); $values{'lastlog'} = time_from($values{'lastlog'}); $values{'created'} = time_from($values{'created'}); if ($values{'status'}) {$values{'status'} = 'Online'} else {$values{'status'} = 'Offline'} foreach my $str (@{[ @string ]}) { $str =~ s/%user/$values{'user'}/g; $str =~ s/%class/$values{'class'}/g; $str =~ s/%level/$values{'level'}/g; $str =~ s/%next/$values{'next'}/g; $str =~ s/%status/$values{'status'}/g; $str =~ s/%uhost/$values{'host'}/g; $str =~ s/%ca/$values{'created'}/g; $str =~ s/%llo/$values{'lastlog'}/g; $str =~ s/%ti/$values{'totalidle'}/g; if ($str =~ /%penalties/) { my @penaltyname = qw(msg nick part kick quit quest logout); my @penaltytime = @ent[7 .. 13]; for my $t (0 .. $#penaltytime) { $penaltytime[$t] = time_to($penaltytime[$t]); } my $cols = make_col(\@penaltyname, \@penaltytime, 3); $str =~ s/%penalties/$cols/g; } if ($str =~ /%items/) { my @itemname = qw(amulet charm helm boots gloves ring leggings shield tunic weapon sum); my @itemlvls = @ent[16 .. 25]; # Yay, lets get a nice sum(sum) in output! :D my $sum; map($sum += $_, @itemlvls); my $cols = make_col(\@itemname, [ @itemlvls, $sum ], 3); $str =~ s/%items/$cols/g; } $str =~ s///g; $str =~ s///g; print "$str\n"; } print "\n" if @ARGV != 0; goto start if @ARGV != 0;