This is just a guide on my bots under the RBots account.\\ \\ **Bot Nick:**K9\\ **Type:**SupyBot\\ **Basic Purpose:**Chanserv,Authserv,Google,Dict,Spelling,Games,Keeping short documents on Rules, Channel News, and other tasks.\\ **UpTime:**97% Uptime\\ ##############################\\ ##**Lvl 0 Commands (Unregistered users)**##\\ ##############################\\ First of all, the command regex is "$", or "K9: " also instead of ":" you could use "," or just not use any symbol and leave it as "K9 "\\ If you Private message him, no regex is needed, infact, regex in Private messages are not accepted.\\ **$Google **\\ This is pretty self explanatory, it allows you to perform a Google search within the IRC channel.\\ **$Google Fight **\\ This will return the number of results for each word, and display what one has more search results first.\\ //Other commands for the Google Plugin can be found by typing "$List Google"//\\ \\ **$News**\\ This will display the current news topics for a channel.\\ **$News **\\ This will display the news article for the given topic.\\ \\ **$Nicks**\\ This will display a list of nicks that are currently in the channel.\\ //It is recommended that you private message the bot for this command with the following syntax, in order to not flood the channel with useless babble. "/msg K9 Nicks "//\\ \\ **$ChannelStats**\\ Gives you stats for the channel.\\ \\ **$Whois **\\ Publicly displays /whois info for the given nick.\\ \\ **//Sorry I am unable to write any more commands at the moment, more commands can be found by using "$list" to find plugins currently loaded, and "$list " to find command for the plugin, and "$help " to find help on the command for the given plugin. It is advised that you do this within a Private message in order to not flood the channel//**\\ \\ **R0b!**\\ //I give you the mask to make sure that you are not contacting someone who just happens to be using the nick I normally use.//\\